Drupal for Mobile Devices in the UK

Mobile website browsing is well established and in many cases continues to take over desktop browsing at an accelerating rate. Developing Drupal websites that are viewable and functional across a variety of viewports is now a requirement.

There are two main approaches to Drupal development for mobile devices. We will discuss your requirements with you to identify the best approach to building your Drupal website for mobile devices as both approaches have their different advantages.

Responsive Layouts

Responsive layouts move content around on a grid system based upon the dimensions of the browser. Side-by-side blocks of Drupal content can be displayed on top of each other instead if the viewport is smaller than a certain size. This approach has advantages as only one Drupal theme will need to be developed and can adapt to desktop, Android, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, and other mobile phones and devices. 

Device Detection

Detecting the type of device (e.g. desktop, Android, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, and other mobile phones and devices) and delivering varying content accordingly is another approach to Drupal mobile website development. The presentation theme and content can be specifically targeted to different devices. This approach has advantages as optimised content can be delivered to slow-connection devices as well as presenting a touch-based user interface.

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